Wednesday, September 10, 2014

My Handana

I've recently gotten to try out a new product. It's a handana. What the heck is that?! Well, it's a bandana for your hand. It's used to wipe sweat off and can also be used for CrossFit. 

I tried this out on 2 CrossFit WODs and one run. I love it!! I'm a super sweaty/snotty person (yes I blow my nose into my shirt. Sorry. Get over it. ) and this took care of it all. You can even customize it with different colors or icons. I love purple and 26.2 miles. 

Here are my true thoughts on it:

-Super comfortable 
-Takes on a lot of water 

-I wasn't a fan with heavy lifting. I don't usually use grips so it didn't make a difference but I wouldn't use this as a grip. It slide down my palm when I went to grab the bar. 

I feel like there are so many uses for a handana outside the gym. 
You can use it as a beer cuzie, grip the steering wheel when it's cold and you forgot gloves... So many options! Haha

I'm pretty excited that I can wear it for my upcoming half and not get snot on the sleeve of my shirt then get weird looks from my husband. If you have asthma or allergies then you get it. 

With all the products coming out like this, do you use anything for running or lifting? 

What else would you use a handana for? 

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